Legacy prides itself on being built on a firm foundation of reliable, trustworthy, and lasting relationships established with its referral partners. Through a third party market survey, respondents expressed that Legacy has developed a strategic advantage to other Lenders based on several attributes that they rated as highly important to continue a business relationship. The top five attributes are:
At Legacy, the desire to stay set apart from other lenders is what drives the company. One key feature that attracts referral partners is Legacy’s team structure. The concept of teams allows each member to provide unforgettable customer service by enabling responsibility for each stage of the loan process directly to a team member. You and your client’s needs, questions, and updates throughout the loan process will be handled by a team of highly skilled loan professionals, all working toward one goal – a happy, referring customer.
In addition to the above-stated qualities that keep Realtors returning through Legacy’s doors with their clients, Legacy also offers: