As a company, we firmly believe in the theory behind internal coaching. Senior leaders in each role and department “mentor” new professionals with their same roles in an effort to provide a forum for best practices, lessons, time management tactics, solutions to common problems and much more, including personal growth and inspiration coaching. Many of our “Rookie” Loan Officers enjoy internal coaching from more tenured Loan Officers within the company. Bethany attributes her growth at Legacy these past few months to her mentor, Grover Greer.
“We have purposeful and deliberate agendas for each call. He ends each call with the topic for the next call so that we are prepared, and it is major! We have gone over Realtor follow-up, the lead intake process step by step and the pre-approval client meeting. He has shared his follow-up logs, scripts and other relevant material that his team uses.
Not only that, but he makes each of us accountable. We have homework that he makes us turn in and if we don’t complete it we get called out. Not completing the homework is uncomfortable because you are called out in front of everyone on the calls and that’s the point. Everyone on my call said that one of their major objectives this semester is to be more accountable. Grover definitely holds us accountable, which is great!
I have to say that he has made a huge impact on my business thus far. I will hit my goals for [this month] because of the guidance and strategies being shared over the last 2 months.
Thank you for offering and fostering an environment where we can all learn from the best! I appreciate your investment in me!”
– Bethany Bump